petites annonces à ne pas rater
✤ TOURNEE DU VAINQUEUR les jeux sont désormais terminés, place à la tournée du vainqueur qui met à l'honneur andro graham ! plus d'informations ici.
✤ INTRIGUES panem ne cesse de changer avec de nombreux événements inouïs. découvrez le volume 6.
✤ MISES À JOUR une nouvelle règle a été instaurée. merci de prendre connaissance de celle-ci ainsi que les autres nouveautés !
✤ MISSIONS ET QUÊTES toutes les missions ont été lancées ! rendez-vous dans ce sujet pour toutes les découvrir.
✤ SCENARIOS voici quelques scénarios qui n'attendent que vous:
rebelles. liam hemsworth
pacificateurs. boyd holbrook
district 13. cobie smulders & chris hemsworth
vainqueurs. gemma arterton & elle fanning
d'autres scénarios gagnants de la loterie à venir !


fermeture du forum
le forum ferme ses portes après six ans d'existence.
merci pour tout, on vous aime.
Le deal à ne pas rater :
SSD interne Crucial BX500 2,5″ SATA – 500 Go à 29,99€
29.99 €
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 "What's it going to be? Loyalty to your country, or loyalty to me? Your country, or your old mentor? The mission, or your beliefs?"

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"What's it going to be? Loyalty to your country, or loyalty to me? Your country, or your old mentor? The mission, or your beliefs?" - Page 2 Vide
MessageSujet: Re: "What's it going to be? Loyalty to your country, or loyalty to me? Your country, or your old mentor? The mission, or your beliefs?"   "What's it going to be? Loyalty to your country, or loyalty to me? Your country, or your old mentor? The mission, or your beliefs?" - Page 2 Icon_minitimeDim 11 Aoû - 21:40

Merciiiiiiiiiiiiiii chou

I love you
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Thybalt M. Homens
Thybalt M. Homens
△ correspondances : 8988
△ points : 29
△ multicomptes : raven, gwendal, eurydice (denahi)
△ à Panem depuis le : 22/12/2011
△ humeur : désabusé
△ âge du personnage : trente quatre ans
△ occupation : médecin de campagne ~ bras droit du chef des rebelles

can you save me?
statut: the one that got away

"What's it going to be? Loyalty to your country, or loyalty to me? Your country, or your old mentor? The mission, or your beliefs?" - Page 2 Vide
MessageSujet: Re: "What's it going to be? Loyalty to your country, or loyalty to me? Your country, or your old mentor? The mission, or your beliefs?"   "What's it going to be? Loyalty to your country, or loyalty to me? Your country, or your old mentor? The mission, or your beliefs?" - Page 2 Icon_minitimeJeu 22 Aoû - 23:03

Avec un peu de retard, bienvenue sur MJ "What's it going to be? Loyalty to your country, or loyalty to me? Your country, or your old mentor? The mission, or your beliefs?" - Page 2 173490454 chou
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Alexiane R. Hawthorne
Alexiane R. Hawthorne
△ correspondances : 11154
△ points : 75
△ multicomptes : hunter, pepper-swann (leevy, ivory)
△ à Panem depuis le : 08/05/2011
△ humeur : indifférente
△ âge du personnage : vingt-deux ans
△ occupation : mentor

can you save me?
statut: célibataire, coeur occupé par un revenant

"What's it going to be? Loyalty to your country, or loyalty to me? Your country, or your old mentor? The mission, or your beliefs?" - Page 2 Vide
MessageSujet: Re: "What's it going to be? Loyalty to your country, or loyalty to me? Your country, or your old mentor? The mission, or your beliefs?"   "What's it going to be? Loyalty to your country, or loyalty to me? Your country, or your old mentor? The mission, or your beliefs?" - Page 2 Icon_minitimeVen 23 Aoû - 14:38

J'étais sûre d'être passée par ici "What's it going to be? Loyalty to your country, or loyalty to me? Your country, or your old mentor? The mission, or your beliefs?" - Page 2 1559427923
Bienvenue "What's it going to be? Loyalty to your country, or loyalty to me? Your country, or your old mentor? The mission, or your beliefs?" - Page 2 2774444739 "What's it going to be? Loyalty to your country, or loyalty to me? Your country, or your old mentor? The mission, or your beliefs?" - Page 2 2774444739
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"What's it going to be? Loyalty to your country, or loyalty to me? Your country, or your old mentor? The mission, or your beliefs?" - Page 2 Vide
MessageSujet: Re: "What's it going to be? Loyalty to your country, or loyalty to me? Your country, or your old mentor? The mission, or your beliefs?"   "What's it going to be? Loyalty to your country, or loyalty to me? Your country, or your old mentor? The mission, or your beliefs?" - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSam 24 Aoû - 20:12

Et bien non ! "What's it going to be? Loyalty to your country, or loyalty to me? Your country, or your old mentor? The mission, or your beliefs?" - Page 2 1405739349 xD

Merci chou x)
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L. Ridley Coradane
L. Ridley Coradane
△ correspondances : 1084
△ points : 0
△ multicomptes : ava, dely, dahlia
△ à Panem depuis le : 30/12/2012
△ humeur : massacrante, comme toujours
△ âge du personnage : vingt-neuf ans
△ occupation : préparatrice en pharmacie et occupée par quelques affaires rebelles quand on veut bien d'elle (c'est-à-dire pas souvent)

can you save me?
statut: seule

"What's it going to be? Loyalty to your country, or loyalty to me? Your country, or your old mentor? The mission, or your beliefs?" - Page 2 Vide
MessageSujet: Re: "What's it going to be? Loyalty to your country, or loyalty to me? Your country, or your old mentor? The mission, or your beliefs?"   "What's it going to be? Loyalty to your country, or loyalty to me? Your country, or your old mentor? The mission, or your beliefs?" - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMar 27 Aoû - 13:49

Bienvenue sur MJ chou "What's it going to be? Loyalty to your country, or loyalty to me? Your country, or your old mentor? The mission, or your beliefs?" - Page 2 1001256540
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"What's it going to be? Loyalty to your country, or loyalty to me? Your country, or your old mentor? The mission, or your beliefs?" - Page 2 Vide
MessageSujet: Re: "What's it going to be? Loyalty to your country, or loyalty to me? Your country, or your old mentor? The mission, or your beliefs?"   "What's it going to be? Loyalty to your country, or loyalty to me? Your country, or your old mentor? The mission, or your beliefs?" - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMar 27 Aoû - 19:00

Merci bien ! chou
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Contenu sponsorisé

"What's it going to be? Loyalty to your country, or loyalty to me? Your country, or your old mentor? The mission, or your beliefs?" - Page 2 Vide
MessageSujet: Re: "What's it going to be? Loyalty to your country, or loyalty to me? Your country, or your old mentor? The mission, or your beliefs?"   "What's it going to be? Loyalty to your country, or loyalty to me? Your country, or your old mentor? The mission, or your beliefs?" - Page 2 Icon_minitime

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"What's it going to be? Loyalty to your country, or loyalty to me? Your country, or your old mentor? The mission, or your beliefs?"

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