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rebelles. liam hemsworth
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 CAMDEN ★ don't worry, it doesn't matter at all. i'm the same, exactly the same.

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Avalon R. Sweenage
Avalon R. Sweenage
△ correspondances : 13212
△ points : 2
△ multicomptes : dely, ridley, dahlia
△ à Panem depuis le : 23/04/2011
△ humeur : mélancolique
△ âge du personnage : vingt-deux ans
△ occupation : garde d'enfants

can you save me?
statut: célibataire

CAMDEN ★ don't worry, it doesn't matter at all. i'm the same, exactly the same. - Page 2 Vide
MessageSujet: Re: CAMDEN ★ don't worry, it doesn't matter at all. i'm the same, exactly the same.   CAMDEN ★ don't worry, it doesn't matter at all. i'm the same, exactly the same. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeVen 8 Fév - 21:32

Bienvenue sur MJ chou CAMDEN ★ don't worry, it doesn't matter at all. i'm the same, exactly the same. - Page 2 2774444739
Je te réserve Daniel Sharman pour une semaine CAMDEN ★ don't worry, it doesn't matter at all. i'm the same, exactly the same. - Page 2 4205929361
(je l'ai vu hier soir dans Immortels... je crois que j'aurais dû m'abstenir de regarder ce film, heureusement que seksy henry cavill a rattrapé le tout CAMDEN ★ don't worry, it doesn't matter at all. i'm the same, exactly the same. - Page 2 1559427923 Arrow)
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Jorah E. Baÿs-Galor
Jorah E. Baÿs-Galor
△ correspondances : 461
△ points : 2
△ multicomptes : ∇ aiden
△ à Panem depuis le : 11/11/2012
△ humeur : ∇ coincé entre le marteau et l'enclume.
△ âge du personnage : ∇ trente-et-un ans.
△ occupation : ∇ trafiquant, receleur, proie à temps complet.

can you save me?

CAMDEN ★ don't worry, it doesn't matter at all. i'm the same, exactly the same. - Page 2 Vide
MessageSujet: Re: CAMDEN ★ don't worry, it doesn't matter at all. i'm the same, exactly the same.   CAMDEN ★ don't worry, it doesn't matter at all. i'm the same, exactly the same. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSam 9 Fév - 9:27

Bienvenu sur MJ, très bon choix d'avatar CAMDEN ★ don't worry, it doesn't matter at all. i'm the same, exactly the same. - Page 2 1147778360
Bon courage pour ce qu'il te reste à écrire et amuse toi bien Smile
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CAMDEN ★ don't worry, it doesn't matter at all. i'm the same, exactly the same. - Page 2 Vide
MessageSujet: Re: CAMDEN ★ don't worry, it doesn't matter at all. i'm the same, exactly the same.   CAMDEN ★ don't worry, it doesn't matter at all. i'm the same, exactly the same. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSam 9 Fév - 10:39

CAMDEN ★ don't worry, it doesn't matter at all. i'm the same, exactly the same. - Page 2 324581347 Quel accueil ♥️ Vous êtes adorables CAMDEN ★ don't worry, it doesn't matter at all. i'm the same, exactly the same. - Page 2 324208944
J'finis vite tout ça What a Face
I love you
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CAMDEN ★ don't worry, it doesn't matter at all. i'm the same, exactly the same. - Page 2 Vide
MessageSujet: Re: CAMDEN ★ don't worry, it doesn't matter at all. i'm the same, exactly the same.   CAMDEN ★ don't worry, it doesn't matter at all. i'm the same, exactly the same. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSam 9 Fév - 14:00

Bienveeeenueeeee et bonne chance pour la suite de ta fichette *o*
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CAMDEN ★ don't worry, it doesn't matter at all. i'm the same, exactly the same. - Page 2 Vide
MessageSujet: Re: CAMDEN ★ don't worry, it doesn't matter at all. i'm the same, exactly the same.   CAMDEN ★ don't worry, it doesn't matter at all. i'm the same, exactly the same. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSam 9 Fév - 14:05

    DANIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEL CAMDEN ★ don't worry, it doesn't matter at all. i'm the same, exactly the same. - Page 2 4205929361
    Très très bon choix d'avatar I love you
    Hellcome parmi nous et bonne fiche CAMDEN ★ don't worry, it doesn't matter at all. i'm the same, exactly the same. - Page 2 1366640713
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Alexiane R. Hawthorne
Alexiane R. Hawthorne
△ correspondances : 11154
△ points : 75
△ multicomptes : hunter, pepper-swann (leevy, ivory)
△ à Panem depuis le : 08/05/2011
△ humeur : indifférente
△ âge du personnage : vingt-deux ans
△ occupation : mentor

can you save me?
statut: célibataire, coeur occupé par un revenant

CAMDEN ★ don't worry, it doesn't matter at all. i'm the same, exactly the same. - Page 2 Vide
MessageSujet: Re: CAMDEN ★ don't worry, it doesn't matter at all. i'm the same, exactly the same.   CAMDEN ★ don't worry, it doesn't matter at all. i'm the same, exactly the same. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSam 9 Fév - 18:36

Bienvenue parmi nous et bonne chance pour la fin de ta fiche CAMDEN ★ don't worry, it doesn't matter at all. i'm the same, exactly the same. - Page 2 2774444739
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Reed Emerson
Reed Emerson
△ correspondances : 1464
△ points : 11
△ multicomptes : Charlie la Pacificatrice, Juju le Rebelle & Gold la rêveuse (Ex Elyas)
△ à Panem depuis le : 09/01/2013
△ humeur : Se sent vide et abandonné, désespéré par la chute de Coin et l'échec de la rébellion.
△ âge du personnage : Vingt-six ans
△ occupation : Sniper dans l'armée du Treize

can you save me?

CAMDEN ★ don't worry, it doesn't matter at all. i'm the same, exactly the same. - Page 2 Vide
MessageSujet: Re: CAMDEN ★ don't worry, it doesn't matter at all. i'm the same, exactly the same.   CAMDEN ★ don't worry, it doesn't matter at all. i'm the same, exactly the same. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSam 9 Fév - 21:00

Bienvenue !
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Adonis Nightsprings
Adonis Nightsprings
△ correspondances : 2406
△ points : 12
△ multicomptes : Robin D. Bates / F. J. Kennedy
△ à Panem depuis le : 01/04/2012
△ humeur : Blasé.
△ âge du personnage : 35 ans
△ occupation : [i]Chef[/i] Pacificateur du D08

can you save me?
statut: Single.

CAMDEN ★ don't worry, it doesn't matter at all. i'm the same, exactly the same. - Page 2 Vide
MessageSujet: Re: CAMDEN ★ don't worry, it doesn't matter at all. i'm the same, exactly the same.   CAMDEN ★ don't worry, it doesn't matter at all. i'm the same, exactly the same. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSam 9 Fév - 22:14

Bienvenue *ç* !
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CAMDEN ★ don't worry, it doesn't matter at all. i'm the same, exactly the same. - Page 2 Vide
MessageSujet: Re: CAMDEN ★ don't worry, it doesn't matter at all. i'm the same, exactly the same.   CAMDEN ★ don't worry, it doesn't matter at all. i'm the same, exactly the same. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeLun 11 Fév - 17:14

Au passage, perso je trouve que ton prénom irl est sympas ^^ (Peut-être parce que c'est le miens aussi).

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Gargaria-Khloé P. Miller
Gargaria-Khloé P. Miller
△ correspondances : 999
△ points : 0
△ multicomptes : léo. (04)
△ à Panem depuis le : 10/11/2012
△ âge du personnage : 31 ans.
△ occupation : mentor.

can you save me?
statut: alone

CAMDEN ★ don't worry, it doesn't matter at all. i'm the same, exactly the same. - Page 2 Vide
MessageSujet: Re: CAMDEN ★ don't worry, it doesn't matter at all. i'm the same, exactly the same.   CAMDEN ★ don't worry, it doesn't matter at all. i'm the same, exactly the same. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSam 16 Fév - 14:14

Bienvenuuuuuue What a Face
OMG OMG OMG. C'est Isaac de Teen Wolf si je me trompe pas ? *W* CAMDEN ★ don't worry, it doesn't matter at all. i'm the same, exactly the same. - Page 2 4205929361 CAMDEN ★ don't worry, it doesn't matter at all. i'm the same, exactly the same. - Page 2 2774444739
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CAMDEN ★ don't worry, it doesn't matter at all. i'm the same, exactly the same. - Page 2 Vide
MessageSujet: Re: CAMDEN ★ don't worry, it doesn't matter at all. i'm the same, exactly the same.   CAMDEN ★ don't worry, it doesn't matter at all. i'm the same, exactly the same. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSam 16 Fév - 19:48

Joakinne L. O'Kinnel a écrit:

OMG OMG OMG. C'est Isaac de Teen Wolf si je me trompe pas ? *W* CAMDEN ★ don't worry, it doesn't matter at all. i'm the same, exactly the same. - Page 2 4205929361 CAMDEN ★ don't worry, it doesn't matter at all. i'm the same, exactly the same. - Page 2 2774444739

On dirait chou CAMDEN ★ don't worry, it doesn't matter at all. i'm the same, exactly the same. - Page 2 4205929361
Bienvenue sur le forum chou I love you
Ta fiche a l'air super original fake angel chou
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Alexiane R. Hawthorne
Alexiane R. Hawthorne
△ correspondances : 11154
△ points : 75
△ multicomptes : hunter, pepper-swann (leevy, ivory)
△ à Panem depuis le : 08/05/2011
△ humeur : indifférente
△ âge du personnage : vingt-deux ans
△ occupation : mentor

can you save me?
statut: célibataire, coeur occupé par un revenant

CAMDEN ★ don't worry, it doesn't matter at all. i'm the same, exactly the same. - Page 2 Vide
MessageSujet: Re: CAMDEN ★ don't worry, it doesn't matter at all. i'm the same, exactly the same.   CAMDEN ★ don't worry, it doesn't matter at all. i'm the same, exactly the same. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeDim 24 Fév - 20:59

    Les délais sont terminés, ta fiche passe 'en danger'
    Tu perds ta réservation, il te reste une semaine pour donner des nouvelles Wink
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Contenu sponsorisé

CAMDEN ★ don't worry, it doesn't matter at all. i'm the same, exactly the same. - Page 2 Vide
MessageSujet: Re: CAMDEN ★ don't worry, it doesn't matter at all. i'm the same, exactly the same.   CAMDEN ★ don't worry, it doesn't matter at all. i'm the same, exactly the same. - Page 2 Icon_minitime

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CAMDEN ★ don't worry, it doesn't matter at all. i'm the same, exactly the same.

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