petites annonces à ne pas rater
✤ TOURNEE DU VAINQUEUR les jeux sont désormais terminés, place à la tournée du vainqueur qui met à l'honneur andro graham ! plus d'informations ici.
✤ INTRIGUES panem ne cesse de changer avec de nombreux événements inouïs. découvrez le volume 6.
✤ MISES À JOUR une nouvelle règle a été instaurée. merci de prendre connaissance de celle-ci ainsi que les autres nouveautés !
✤ MISSIONS ET QUÊTES toutes les missions ont été lancées ! rendez-vous dans ce sujet pour toutes les découvrir.
✤ SCENARIOS voici quelques scénarios qui n'attendent que vous:
rebelles. liam hemsworth
pacificateurs. boyd holbrook
district 13. cobie smulders & chris hemsworth
vainqueurs. gemma arterton & elle fanning
d'autres scénarios gagnants de la loterie à venir !


fermeture du forum
le forum ferme ses portes après six ans d'existence.
merci pour tout, on vous aime.
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Smartphone Xiaomi 14 – 512 Go- 6,36″ 5G Double SIM à 599€
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 | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world

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| CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 Vide
MessageSujet: Re: | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world   | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 Icon_minitimeJeu 16 Fév - 19:20

T'as pas à t'mettre la pression, j'ai toujours énormément de retard dans mes RPs et j'ai jamais eu le temps de jouer Cyn | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 2166578461

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Alexiane R. Hawthorne
Alexiane R. Hawthorne
△ correspondances : 11154
△ points : 75
△ multicomptes : hunter, pepper-swann (leevy, ivory)
△ à Panem depuis le : 08/05/2011
△ humeur : indifférente
△ âge du personnage : vingt-deux ans
△ occupation : mentor

can you save me?
statut: célibataire, coeur occupé par un revenant

| CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 Vide
MessageSujet: Re: | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world   | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 Icon_minitimeJeu 16 Fév - 21:05

Bienvenue parmi nous et bonne chance pour la suite de ta fiche Smile
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| CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 Vide
MessageSujet: Re: | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world   | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSam 18 Fév - 11:09

Bienlavenue par minou, chef | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 846282082
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| CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 Vide
MessageSujet: Re: | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world   | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSam 18 Fév - 11:20

Bienvenueeee | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 173490454
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| CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 Vide
MessageSujet: Re: | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world   | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSam 18 Fév - 12:57

ELLE chou
Bienvenue ici et bon courage pour la suite I love you
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| CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 Vide
MessageSujet: Re: | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world   | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 Icon_minitimeDim 19 Fév - 0:52

Bienvenue sur MJ et bonne chance pour la suite de ta fiche Smile
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Kathleen S. Harper
Kathleen S. Harper
△ correspondances : 11512
△ points : 1
△ multicomptes : ◭ silver & asha
△ à Panem depuis le : 21/05/2011
△ humeur : ◭ lasse.
△ âge du personnage : ◭ vingt-quatre ans.

can you save me?
statut: hum

| CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 Vide
MessageSujet: Re: | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world   | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSam 25 Fév - 19:47

    Les délais sont terminés, ta fiche passe 'en danger'
    Tu perds ta réservation, il te reste une semaine pour donner des nouvelles Wink
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| CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 Vide
MessageSujet: Re: | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world   | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 Icon_minitimeDim 26 Fév - 16:40

Je suis désolée, je n'ai pas pu me connecter cette semaine, en Guadeloupe c'est les vacances et j'avais beaucoup de choses à faire.. Je compte terminer ma présentation aujourd'hui ou demain, si c'est encore possible ! Laughing
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| CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 Vide
MessageSujet: Re: | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world   | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 Icon_minitimeDim 26 Fév - 17:18

Présentation terminée I love you | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 4252163159
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Kathleen S. Harper
Kathleen S. Harper
△ correspondances : 11512
△ points : 1
△ multicomptes : ◭ silver & asha
△ à Panem depuis le : 21/05/2011
△ humeur : ◭ lasse.
△ âge du personnage : ◭ vingt-quatre ans.

can you save me?
statut: hum

| CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 Vide
MessageSujet: Re: | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world   | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 Icon_minitimeDim 26 Fév - 17:42

ne t'inquiète pas, je redéplace ta fiche et file là lire | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 2774444739
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| CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 Vide
MessageSujet: Re: | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world   | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 Icon_minitimeDim 26 Fév - 17:55

| CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 173490454 | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 173490454 | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 173490454 | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 173490454 | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 173490454 | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 173490454 | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 173490454 | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 173490454 | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 173490454 | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 173490454 | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 173490454 | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 173490454 | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 173490454 | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 173490454 | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 173490454 | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 173490454 | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 173490454 | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 173490454 | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 173490454 | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 173490454 | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 173490454 | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 173490454 | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 173490454 | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 173490454 | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 173490454 | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 173490454 | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 173490454 | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 173490454 | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 173490454 | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 173490454 | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 173490454 | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 173490454 | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 173490454 | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 173490454 | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 173490454 | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 173490454 | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 173490454 | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 173490454 | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 173490454 | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 173490454 | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 173490454 | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 173490454 | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 173490454 | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 173490454 | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 173490454 | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 173490454 | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 173490454 | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 173490454 | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 173490454 | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 173490454 | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 173490454 | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 173490454 | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 173490454 | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 173490454 | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 173490454 | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 173490454 | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 173490454 | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 173490454 | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 173490454 | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 173490454 | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 173490454 | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 173490454
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| CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 Vide
MessageSujet: Re: | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world   | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 Icon_minitimeDim 26 Fév - 18:13

Bienvenue à toi I love you
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| CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 Vide
MessageSujet: Re: | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world   | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 Icon_minitimeDim 26 Fév - 18:17

CYNOUCHOU TA FICHE EST TROP PERFECTO | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 173490454
Et puis ton écriture | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 4205929361
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Kathleen S. Harper
Kathleen S. Harper
△ correspondances : 11512
△ points : 1
△ multicomptes : ◭ silver & asha
△ à Panem depuis le : 21/05/2011
△ humeur : ◭ lasse.
△ âge du personnage : ◭ vingt-quatre ans.

can you save me?
statut: hum

| CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 Vide
MessageSujet: Re: | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world   | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 Icon_minitimeDim 26 Fév - 19:03

c'est parfait tout ça Kath moves her ass!

en plus Ayden/Logan a donné son avis itout | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 173490454

je te valide avec plaisir | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 2774444739 | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 1001256540

Tu viens d'être validé, mais il reste encore plusieurs endroits où tu devras passer pour que nous puissions mettre à jour quelques informations.Voici donc les liens que nous te demandons de visiter à présent.

Pour commencer, pour les vainqueurs et les membres ayant des proches morts aux jeux, n'oubliez pas de les recenser ici. Si tu fais partie des potentiels tributs, va inscrire ton personnage dans les registres ici. Il faudra ensuite que tu recenses le métier de ton personnage ici. Si ton personnage est de la famille du maire de son district, tu peux le recenser ici pour éviter toute incohérence. S'il est membre d'une équipe de préparation (mentor, styliste, hôte(sse), c'est par ici que ça se passe. A vérifier que le rôle convoité est bien libre.
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Il ne te reste plus qu'à passer de bons moments sur mockingjay I love you

Ava passera pour ton groupe et ton rang plus tard | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 2774444739
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| CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 Vide
MessageSujet: Re: | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world   | CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world - Page 2 Icon_minitime

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| CYN - Through chaos as it swirls, it's just us against the world

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